Monday, March 19, 2018

Preschool phyicals

Sorry for the blog post overload today. The Cox Care Mobile will be on campus April 16th all day. Your child can receive the required preschool physical for FREE. All you need to do is call the school nurse to set up an appointment. 743-4810. You will receive the necessary form in your preschool enrollment packet. If your child is currently enrolled in preschool THIS year you do not need another exam.

Be sure to scroll through the posts to see what all is going on this week!

All Star Dad event

All Star Sports Night With Dad!
*This Thursday from 6:00-7:00!
*Hosted in the North Gym which fronts on Public Avenue (Red,
two-story brick building).
*Dads and kids wear your favorite team gear and come ready to
play all kinds of games!
*Gross motor play and lots of time to release energy!
This group activity is for DADS and PAT kids (girls and boys) only! Dad not available? Grandpas, uncles or anyone else can fill in. Moms, you get the hour off! You're welcome. 
Four-year-old preschool packets will be available for pick up. If you have questions, refer to our previous post.
"A successful father will produce a child greater than himself."
Troy Vincent

All Star Dads and Day in K information

First day back from spring break! It’s “that time” of year....BUSY!
As posted yesterday, ALL STAR NIGHT WITH DAD THIS THURSDAY from 6-7!
April 6th is another big event, A Day in K! Due to that event we will NOT have our usual monthly story/play day. Instead, that morning will be dedicated to our soon-to-be kindergartners. Also, registration for kindergarten screening will begin April 2nd. Keep checking here for more details.
Hope to see all our dads and kids Thursday. Get your favorite team shirt ready!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Spring Group Connections

We hope everyone is cozy warm in their PJ's today!  We are gearing up for a super fun Spring semester of group connections!  Please see the schedule below and get them marked off on your calendar! 

Other reminders:  

*Preschool applications for next year are due February 2nd.  You can pick up an application from Ms. Joetta in the office.  Even if you are "on the fence" about enrollment, we encourage you to fill out an application. You will have the opportunity to accept or decline your placement when it is offered to you in March.  The enrollment fee is not due until you accept your placement.  

*All preschoolers are required to attend at least 2 group connections this Spring. 

Clever Parents as Teachers Group Connections

Friday 5th- Playgroup 10-11am (Ms. Mikki’s Pre-K Room)

Friday 2nd- Playgroup 10-11am (Ms. Mikki’s Pre-K Room)
Saturday 10th – Match Made in Heaven Playgroup 9-10am (Ms. Mikki’s Pre-K Room)

Friday 2nd- Story Time 10-11am (Ms. Mikki’s Pre-K Room)
Thursday 22nd- Dad’s All Star Night 6-7 PM

Friday 6th- Playgroup 10-11am (Ms. Mikki’s Pre-K Room)

Thursday 3rd- Cruising into Spring 6-7pm (Elementary Playground)