Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mark your calendars! As always we have a jam packed calendar of events for April and May! Please stay tuned for upcoming dates and events.
April 1st: 3 year old preschool applications due
April 1st: A Day in K for incoming Kindergarten students. Please call the office at 743-4810 to RSVP.
April 14th: Cox Care Mobile is on campus. They will provide free preschool physicals (required for enrollment). Please call the school nurse to schedule your appointment. 743-4810.
April 19th: Cruising Into Spring: 6:00-7:00. Stay tuned for more information.
April 28th-29th: Kindergarten Screening- Any child who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall needs to sign up for Kindergarten screening. Please call the office for more information.
May 5th: Preschool Graduation
May 6th: Playgroup at Rutledge Wilson Farm (weather permitting) 10:00
May 10th: A Day In Pre K and mandatory parent meeting for incoming preschool students in the fall. Stay tuned for more information.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Upcoming deadline! If you are interested in enrolling your child in our 3 year old preschool program next year, applications are due next Friday, April 1st. You can pick up an application in the Elementary office between 8:00-4:00 each day. Please contact your parent educator if you have any questions. In order to be eligible your child must turn 3 by August 1st. We are offering a 2 day a week, 1/2 day program. Session days are Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. The session time is 8:00-11:00. There is a 15 drop off period from 7:45-8:00 am, and a 15 minute pick up period from 10:45-11:00.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tomorrow Morning

What’s the most important trait you’d like to develop in your child? If you’re like most parents, intelligence is probably at the top of your list. YOU have the power to boost your children's learning potential simply by making books an integral part of their lives. Books have the power to benefit babies, toddlers and preschoolers in so many ways.
As a parent, reading to your child is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him with a foundation for academic excellence.
Come to story time in the morning and put this information in to practice. Every child in attendance will take a FREE book home!
See you at 10:00!
P.S. Rumor has it a special guest will be making an appearance!!


*******Dr. Suess' Birthday********
STORY TIME is this Friday at 10:00. We will meet in the old cafeteria which is located in the large red brick building. You can park along the side of that building or across the street in the gravel lot. You may enter behind the buildings. We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday! Wear your favorite hat and some funky socks! Please bring another PAT friend with you, or even someone who isn't yet enrolled in PAT. Preschool is not in session this Friday, so we hope to see some of our preschoolers there!
**For those of you who have children that will be in preschool next year, we'll walk down and take a little tour AFTER story time.**