Monday, December 14, 2015


All children who plan to attend preschool in the fall will need a physical form filled out and ready to turn in before May! Plan accordingly and check out this FREE option below.
The Cox Care Mobile will be at Clever Schools on Thursday, January 14, 2016. Does your child need a hearing or vision screening, well check-up, PRESCHOOL PHYSICAL or sick visit? A Nurse Practitioner can provide these FREE services for your child ages birth to 18 years. Some vaccines are available for those who qualify. Please call your school nurse (743-4810) to schedule an appointment and to receive the necessary paperwork. Thank you!
If you missed Santa Bash, but have a child that will be 4 BEFORE August 1st and you are interested in preschool enrollment, contact your parent educator (Ms. Mikki or Ms. Paula) asap to find out how to apply.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Doors unlock at 5:00 sharp and close at 7:00.
Please remember your canned goods to donate. smile emoticon
In an effort to help us plan for next year, we need your help, please. If you know of a child that will be kindergarten eligible that is NOT enrolled in Parents as Teachers, please pass their information on to either Ms. Mikki or Ms. Paula ASAP. The sooner we know how many children will be entering, the sooner we can begin planning how to best serve their needs. Thanks in advance for your help!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Let's Pay It Forward! We will be collecting non perishable food items and toiletries at Santa Bash next Thursday. We will be donating them to two local food pantries. Murfins has some great specials in their main aisles this week. See you next Thursday from 5-7 at SANTA BASH!!!
Ho! Ho! Ho!! Santa Bash is almost here! Doors open at 5:00 this Thursday, December 10th! We will have several parent/child activities, snack, make and take crafts, and of course pictures with Santa! This is a FREE event for all of our PAT families. Please remind your older children that the activities are geared for our little guys and they may assist their younger siblings, but we will only plan to have enough materials for our PAT students. Thanks for understanding! Also, if you have a child who will be 4 years old before August 1, 2016 they are eligible to apply for preschool next year. Applications will be available for the first time at Santa Bash (not before). We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for two local food pantries. Don't get on the "naughty list"...see you Thursday night!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We Want mark your calendars for next Thursday, December 10th for SANTA BASH!!!! Please plan to join us for our most popular group event from 5-7 (come and go) in the Lower EleMiddle FEMA shelter (cafeteria). We will have several family activities set up for all PAT children and of course pictures with Santa! Every PAT child will also receive a special gift from Santa. We will also be passing out Preschool applications for the 2016-2017 school year. We are asking each family to bring non perishable food items to donate to a local food pantry. We hope to see you there and stay tuned all next week for more information.