Monday, December 14, 2015


All children who plan to attend preschool in the fall will need a physical form filled out and ready to turn in before May! Plan accordingly and check out this FREE option below.
The Cox Care Mobile will be at Clever Schools on Thursday, January 14, 2016. Does your child need a hearing or vision screening, well check-up, PRESCHOOL PHYSICAL or sick visit? A Nurse Practitioner can provide these FREE services for your child ages birth to 18 years. Some vaccines are available for those who qualify. Please call your school nurse (743-4810) to schedule an appointment and to receive the necessary paperwork. Thank you!
If you missed Santa Bash, but have a child that will be 4 BEFORE August 1st and you are interested in preschool enrollment, contact your parent educator (Ms. Mikki or Ms. Paula) asap to find out how to apply.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Doors unlock at 5:00 sharp and close at 7:00.
Please remember your canned goods to donate. smile emoticon
In an effort to help us plan for next year, we need your help, please. If you know of a child that will be kindergarten eligible that is NOT enrolled in Parents as Teachers, please pass their information on to either Ms. Mikki or Ms. Paula ASAP. The sooner we know how many children will be entering, the sooner we can begin planning how to best serve their needs. Thanks in advance for your help!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Let's Pay It Forward! We will be collecting non perishable food items and toiletries at Santa Bash next Thursday. We will be donating them to two local food pantries. Murfins has some great specials in their main aisles this week. See you next Thursday from 5-7 at SANTA BASH!!!
Ho! Ho! Ho!! Santa Bash is almost here! Doors open at 5:00 this Thursday, December 10th! We will have several parent/child activities, snack, make and take crafts, and of course pictures with Santa! This is a FREE event for all of our PAT families. Please remind your older children that the activities are geared for our little guys and they may assist their younger siblings, but we will only plan to have enough materials for our PAT students. Thanks for understanding! Also, if you have a child who will be 4 years old before August 1, 2016 they are eligible to apply for preschool next year. Applications will be available for the first time at Santa Bash (not before). We will also be collecting non-perishable food items for two local food pantries. Don't get on the "naughty list"...see you Thursday night!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We Want mark your calendars for next Thursday, December 10th for SANTA BASH!!!! Please plan to join us for our most popular group event from 5-7 (come and go) in the Lower EleMiddle FEMA shelter (cafeteria). We will have several family activities set up for all PAT children and of course pictures with Santa! Every PAT child will also receive a special gift from Santa. We will also be passing out Preschool applications for the 2016-2017 school year. We are asking each family to bring non perishable food items to donate to a local food pantry. We hope to see you there and stay tuned all next week for more information.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Play Group in the PAT Building Tomorrow at 10:00

Meet us in the PAT building at 10:00 tomorrow for play group! See our previous post if you have questions! Come watch your child do his/her most important work---PLAY!
PS--One lucky attendee will go home with a prize! smile emoticon

Monday, November 2, 2015


Come Play With Us!
Playgroup this Friday at 10:00. Weather permitting, we'll be on the playground. If that isn't possible, be watching our Face Book page for updates about where we'll meet on campus.
No preschool this Friday so we're hoping to see LOTS of our preschool friends in attendance. Start the weekend off on the right foot---making memories with your child! It'll be the best hour of your Friday. smile emoticon

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Please share with your friends, family and neighbors.  Thanks so much for you support!

A note from Parents As Teachers:

What is PAT?  Parents As Teachers is a program created by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.  This program is completely voluntary and FREE to all families within the Clever School District.  It is designed to provide a support network for all families that begins during pregnancy and continues until the child enters Kindergarten.  PAT services include:  Home visits, group meetings and activities such as play groups, story times, and parent education opportunities, developmental screenings, and resource network.  If you are interested in learning more about PAT, or you would like to enroll your children in PAT please contact Paula Harvey or Mikki Teague at 743-4810, or by email at: or  You can also follow us on Facebook:  Clever Parents As Teachers.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015


It's almost Friday! You know what that means----
FIRST PLAYGROUP OF THE YEAR! We hope to see you on the playground from 10:00-11:00 tomorrow. Bring a blanket or lawn chair and come join us. If you have a preschooler in the AM session, they'll be joining us and then you're free to take them with you at the end of our time together. Since PM preschoolers don't have class on Fridays, bring them up for some fun with their AM friends and the other PAT kids!
Be there or be square! Let's kick off the holiday weekend with some social time fun!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Playgroup of the Year This Friday and Ronald McDonald Tooth Truck

Our first Playgroup of the year will be this Friday from 10:00-11:00 on the playground.  Bring a lawn chair or blanket and come join us for an hour of social interaction and fun.  It's a great way to kick off the weekend! If your child is in morning preschool, they'll be joining us so come participate and then pick your preschooler up to go home afterward.

·         Clever School District is pleased to announce that the Tooth Truck will be visiting our school again this fall.

·         The Tooth Truck is a mobile dentist office that provides comprehensive treatment from cleanings and x-rays to repairing cavities at no charge for qualifying families.

·         Requirements to be seen on the Tooth Truck are:

1.      Student must be between the ages of 3 and 14 years
2.      Student must qualify for the free and reduced lunch program
3.      Student cannot be an established patient of a local dentist
4.      Student cannot have private dental insurance
5.      Must complete a Tooth Truck application

·         The Tooth Truck treats Medicaid-eligible and uninsured children.  Students seen last year are not eligible for a routine check-up but should apply if there is a new dental concern.

·         An application is available in the office of your child’s building upon request.  The application must be filled out, signed, and returned to school by September 21, 2015.  The Tooth Truck staff will be scheduling students upon receiving these necessary applications.

·         Parents are not required to be present during appointments.  If you want to be present during your child’s appointment, please indicate your request on your child’s application.  Therefore, the Tooth Truck staff will know to call you and schedule a specific appointment time.

If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse.

Thank you,
Clever School Nurse Department

Andrea Gardner, RN
Clever High School
Lead Nurse

Monday, August 24, 2015

Child Care, PTA and Cox Care Mobile Information

Child Care Options--
Our post last week about childcare providers needs some names added:
Kara Carter: 839-9426
Debby Collier: 743-2800
Kim Delcour: 425-2061
Trish and Abbie Eickmeyer: 536-9622
Stacy Fleming: 743-0052
Erin Martin: 350-8244
Suzie Young: 988-5804
ALSO, we have two child care centers in our community:
Clever Kids 743-0033. They are presently enrolling 2-5 year olds. They have waiting lists for infants and school aged children.
Tiny Tots 689-5162 or 583-2478. They are presently in the process of becoming licensed and have openings for 4 children.
Again, we are NOT making recommendations but simply passing along information. We hope this helps as each parent searches, interviews and finds the right fit for their individual situation

Question---how many of you have joined Clever PTA---NOT to be confused with us (PAT). smile emoticon For only $5.00 your family can join and help this amazing organization continue to support our school. Visit their FB Page "Clever PTA" to learn all about it. They are doing a Clever Spirit Wear Sale that ends Friday so visit their page to order! What a great way to support our school by wearing a school T-shirt, sweatshirt, etc. THEY ARE A FABULOUS GROUP WHO WORK HARD FOR ALL OF OUR KIDS--yours included! Please take a moment to visit their page and learn all about what they do. Hope to see you soon sporting a new piece of Clever Spirit Wear.The Cox Care Mobile will be here on Thursday, September 10, 2015. The Care Mobile is a FREE medical office on wheels with services provided by a Nurse Practitioner. The service is free even if you have insurance. However, they will not provide immunizations if you are insured. The services provided are for individuals from birth to 18 years old. These services include sports physicals, preschool physicals, well check-ups and sick visits. You may call your school nurse to inquire about the services provided and to schedule an appointment. 743-4810 Thank you!

The Cox Care Mobile will be here on Thursday, September 10, 2015. The Care Mobile is a FREE medical office on wheels with services provided by a Nurse Practitioner. The service is free even if you have insurance. However, they will not provide immunizations if you are insured. The services provided are for individuals from birth to 18 years old. These services include sports physicals, preschool physicals, well check-ups and sick visits. You may call your school nurse to inquire about the services provided and to schedule an appointment. 743-4810 Thank you!

 smile emoticon

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

We get several requests for recommended childcare providers in Clever. Although we cannot give specific recommendations, we can provide you with a list of local providers. The current list is posted at the bottom of this message. If you provide childcare and would like to be added to this list, please message us back with your name and telephone number. We also encourage you to refer families with small children to our program. They can look us up on Facebook on our Clever Parents As Teachers page, call the office at 743-4810, or they can email us directly. Ms. Paula: or Ms. Mikki:
We also want to make sure you stay connected with us on our FB page. In order to receive all of our posts make sure to do these two things: 1- Like, comment or share our posts. This lets FB know that you ARE interacting with our page and our notifications will show up in your newsfeed. 2- At the top of this page there is a button that says "Liked". Click on it. When the drop down box opens click on "Get Notifications".
Kara Carter: 839-9426
Kim Delcour: 425-2061
Suzie Young: 988-5804
Stacy Fleming: 743-0052
Debby Collier: 743-2800
Trish Eickmeyer: 536-9622
Erin Martin- 350-8244

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hello and welcome back! We hope everyone had a great summer. We just wanted to update you all on a few important dates. For those of you who have a preschool child enrolled in the preschool this year please make note of the following important dates:
August 13-20th we will be doing home visits. Your parent educator will be contacting you soon with your assigned visit time. Please understand that we will have a very tight home visit schedule as we try to squeeze everyone in on a very short amount of time. In the event that you cannot make the assigned home visit work for your family, please be aware that we will not be able to reschedule your home visit. Also, please let your parent educator know if you will be unable to keep your appointment.
August 20th: Preschool Open House. We offer two Open House opportunities, but you only need to attend 1. 10:00-11:00 AM, or 5:30-6:30 PM.
August 24th: First Day of Preschool!!!!
Note about school supplies: If you have not already purchased your school supplies feel free to omit the following items: dixie cups and quart/sandwich sized ziplock baggies are no longer needed. Paper towels and gallon sized zip locks are still needed.
If you do not have a child entering the preschool this year, your parent educator will be getting in contact with you in the next week or so to schedule your first home visit of the year.
We look forward to another great school year and have lots of great PAT activities planned for the year!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


******Our Final Activity Before School is Out*********
This Friday at 10:00 was going to be our final playgroup at Wilson-Rutledge Farm. HOWEVER, the weather may not cooperate so we need an alternate plan. If we have rain or questionable conditions Friday, we'll meet at the Christian Church for a story time and indoor picnic. Either way, the fun will begin at 10:00. You'll need to bring the same things no matter where the location: picnic lunch for you and your child, a blanket or towel to sit on and a readiness for fun!
We'll post Friday morning on Face Book to confirm where to meet. Hope to see you Friday!

Monday, May 4, 2015

2015-2016 PRESCHOOL PARENTS---Please read carefully!!

All paperwork from the packet and copies of birth certificate, social security card and immunization records are due May 5th---THAT"S TOMORROW!!! We will be checking all packets to make sure they are all filled out completely and correctly. If we do not have all paperwork and copies done correctly, you will be contacted via email or phone and will need to attend the parent meeting on May 12th on 11:30 a.m. in the Clever Conference Center. If you cannot make the 11:30 a.m. meeting, you will need to arrange to stop by the office before May 12th to take care of missing or incomplete paperwork. ******If you hear nothing from us, you are good to go and will not need to attend the meeting.****** If you are contacted to attend the parenting meeting and/or to provide information to us and we do not have your information by the May 12th deadline, your child will lose their spot in the Preschool program for next year as we already have a waiting list.
If you have not paid the 2nd payment of $30.00 for the enrollment fee, it is also due by May 12th. You can give your 2nd payment to Ms. Paula, Ms. Mikki or Ms. Joetta in the PreK-4 office.
Receipts for enrollment fee payments will be mailed out in the coming weeks along with August dates and other Preschool information.
Those of you that didn't attend the first 1-2-3 Magic Class are required to attend the May 12th class from 12:00 to 2:00.
One last request: I need to order t-shirts for next year's preschoolers by May 20th so please click on this link and answer two quick questions:
Questions? Feel free to email me at:
Thank you for your cooperation!
Ms. Karen

Monday, April 27, 2015


Kindergarten Screening is this Thursday and Friday! If you've signed up, don't forget your appointment! Also, please continue to help us spread the word! Thanks!
Preschool Folders are due back NO LATER THAN MAY 5TH. It is your responsibility to get those returned to the school by that date.
Preschool Enrollment Meetings
Parents of preschoolers for the 2015-16 school year will need to attend one of the following meetings for information about the preschool program.
10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Clever Conference Center
5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Lower EleMiddle cafeteria
If you have not turned in a copy of the following in your child’s folder on May 5th, please bring to this meeting:
Your child’s Social Security card, birth certificate, and immunization record. Final payment is also due at that time if you haven't already turned that in.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Next Thursday evening, April 23....."Cruisin' Into Spring" will take place on the playground at school! Get your child's ride-on toy ready and meet us there! We've got a highway of fun waiting for them to enjoy----an ATM, snack station, drive in movie, car wash, gas station and more. Also, the bus lane will have big vehicles to explore--school bus, fire truck, farm equipment, etc. Your little one not big enough to ride? Put them in the stroller or wagon and come join in! When they are through riding, the playground toys will be waiting. smile emoticon Come join an evening of child-sized fun and send that powerful message to your child....SCHOOL IS IMPORTANT and something you support.
**This event is for all PAT and Preschool children. Older siblings may attend but will not be allowed to ride as we want to keep the little ones safe. Older brothers and sisters are welcome to play on the playground.** See you next Thursday from 6:00-7:00.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Scholastic Book Fair is going on this week at the EleMiddle library.  Shopping hours are 8:00-3:30 Monday-Thursday and Friday from 8:00-12:00.  Our PAT families are more than welcome to attend.  You can enter through the front doors of the Lower EleMiddle and check in at the office.  They will send you to the library.  Time to stock up on good summer reading books.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Don't forget this Friday from 1:00-2:00 is our second Day in Pre-K for our incoming preschoolers. We will ask you all to park in the gravel lot across the street from the old red brick school.  Then you will enter in that building's main doors (the ones in the middle).  Ms. Paula will meet you there and will escort everyone to the preschool classrooms.  You will then join Ms. Paula and Ms. Karen for a parent meeting (adults only) while your children are with Ms. Mikki in the classroom.

If your child has missed this opportunity, don't worry!  They will have an opportunity to visit their classroom next Fall during Open House.

Thank you to everyone who came to 123 Magic last night!  Nothing sends a stronger message to your child about school than seeing their parents become involved in their education.  Our parents ROCK and we are so grateful that you welcome us into your homes.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Please help us spread the word. We are looking for all eligible children in the Clever R-V School District. Thanks in advance for sharing this news, telling friends, relatives and neighbors.
All district children that will be five-years-old prior to August 1, 2015, are eligible for kindergarten enrollment. All eligible children are required to have a screening. Screenings will be held on April 30th and May 1st. Appointments are first come first served and can be made by calling the lower elemiddle office at 743-4810. Each appointment will last about an hour and a half. All children will need to bring the following on screening day:
Birth certificate and social security card (copies are fine)
Shot record
Proof of residency if NOT enrolled in Parents as Teachers
Thanks for helping us drum up business! smile emoticon

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


SO PROUD OF OUR SOON TO BE PRESCHOOL PARENTS! First deadline has been met and I'm happy to report everyone has paid (at least their first fee) and picked up their packet! WOO-HOO!
Please make sure you have also signed up for one of the 1-2-3 class options! As you signed on the application, it is a requirement. Thanks in advance for getting it taken care of today!

TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!! Kindergarten Screening Sign-Up Opens!

TODAY IS THE DAY! You may call the lower elemiddle office, 743-4810, to sign up for your child's kindergarten screening appointment. Appts. are given on a first come first serve basis! Each appointment will last about an hour and a half. Don't delay, call today! smile emoticon Please help us spread the word!

Monday, March 30, 2015

1-2-3 MAGIC Discipline Class

Please click the link and get signed up! The first option for a class is next Monday evening, April 6th, from 6:00-8:00. NO CHILDREN ALLOWED so please make child care arrangements and thanks in advance! If you are enrolling a child in our preschool next year this is a mandatory class. All others welcome! Feel free to come back for a refresher if you've already had the class! Can't wait to share this great information! smile emoticon

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

CITY WIDE EGG HUNT---don't miss it!!! With such a large, community event we've opted to spread the word and forgo a PAT egg hunt. Instead, come out on the 28th and take advantage of a great offering!!! The flyer was too large to send as a picture so I had to opt for this method.  In case you can't read the location it's Southern Bank of Clever on Highway 14 right next to Casey's, 1:00-3:00 on Saturday, March 28th.  Come enjoy and support the Clever community!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Preschool and Kindergarten Information!

Preschool placement letters were sent out tonight via email! Notifications were sent for morning, afternoon and waiting list applicants. Please check your email if you were waiting to hear. I was unable to send information to a few of you as you didn't list an email address on your application or the address you listed is incorrect. Please contact me if you were expecting a letter and did NOT receive one. Thank you!
Kindergarten Screening will be held on Thursday evening April 30th and Friday, May 1st. Appointments are first come first serve and may be made by calling the lower elemiddle office at 743-4810 BEGINNING April 1st. No appts. will be made prior to that date. Thank you for your patience!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day Opportunity for "A Day in Pre K--Session 2"

As promised, below is your day opportunity for next year's preschoolers.  Be sure to sign up quickly!  


You have been invited by Mikki Teague to sign up for "A day in Pre K- Session 2." Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet. 

To sign up, go to:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Day in Pre-K!

You have been invited by Mikki Teague to sign up for "A day in Pre K." Please click on the link below to view the online sign up sheet.
To sign up, go to:

Friday, February 6, 2015

Cox Care Mobile---FREE Preschool Physicals

Physicals are available for next year's preschoolers! Free to all, regardless of income!
The Cox Care Mobile will be here on Thursday, February 26, 2015. The Care Mobile is a FREE medical office on wheels with services provided by a Nurse Practitioner. The services provided are for individuals from birth to 18 years old. This visit will be the last opportunity to receive a sports physical prior to spring sports and practices beginning in March. Flu vaccines and other immunizations are available for those without insurance or with active Medicaid. You may call your school nurse to inquire about the services provided and to schedule an appointment. Thank you!
Andrea Gardner, RN
Clever High School
Lead Nurse

***DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A FACE BOOK PAGE??  That's right, everything we post on this blog is always also posted on Clever Parents as Teachers page on Face Book.  As a matter of fact, we are often able to post more on FB.  Check us out, like and follow!***

Thursday, February 5, 2015

PLAYGROUP TOMORROW and Lots of Information to Share!

1. REMINDER: Playgroup at 10:00 this Friday in the PAT building!

2. Thursday, February 19th we'll have an "Evening in Pre-K Preschool" for children that will be eligible for preschool in the fall. 6:00-7:00 PM MORE INFO COMING SOON---STAY TUNED!

3. Monday, March 2nd we'll be having an EVENING PLAYGROUP for those of you that have asked! 6:00-7:00

4. 1-2-3 Magic Parenting Class---Monday, April 6th (6:00-8:00)

Thanks for helping us spread the word! Also, hurry and get your preschool applications turned in! Placements coming soon.

***Food for thought. Recent research which was published in March 2014 in Science Daily is something we need to really reflect on as parents.***
"Children who regularly sing, play, story-tell and eat dinner with their families tend to have higher social-emotional health, new research shows. Researchers believe that being cared for in stimulating and nurturing environments in early life, with regular participation in predictable family routines, reflects greater family organization and can provide a sense of security and belonging. It also may positively impact children's SEH before school entry and contribute to their future school and life success."
This helps support the work of PAT as we encourage parents to practice consistent routines with plenty of face to face contact and social interaction. Consistent bedtimes and mealtimes with family play a huge part in this! Routines help children feel secure and see their world as a predictable, safe place.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Sorry to post so often but lots going on!  Don't forget STORY TIME this Friday morning (that's TOMORROW)! We'll begin at 10:00 at the Christian Church Fellowship Hall as they've been nice enough to loan us the space again! Park in the school gravel lot and come on in. Put on your cozy clothes and get ready to have some Wintertime Fun! This cold can give all of us cabin fever. Don't miss a chance to get out and get some social time away from home. You'll be glad you did! Hope to see you there!


5:30PM TO 7:30PM

Check out the Clever PTA (Not PAT---confusing, right?!) Facebook page for a preview of the baskets for the annual Silent Auction! Other activities will include bounce houses, cake walk, concessions and carnival type games. This is a tremendous fundraiser for our school and always provides a night of family fun.
PAT is putting together a "Cooking Up A Good Book" themed basket for the silent auction at the Winter Fest (carnival) next Friday the 16th. We are asking for donations of specific items and have created a sign up genius online. You can ac... See More
168 people reached

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

5:30PM TO 7:30PM

Check out the Clever PTA Facebook page for a preview of the baskets for the annual Silent Auction!  Other activities will include bounce houses, cake walk, concessions and carnival type games.  This is a tremendous fundraiser for our school and always provides a night of family fun.